Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Authentic Assessment

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See also High Stakes Testing

Authentic Assessment and Accountability
  • Authentic Accountability (external link to Accountability means informing parents and the public about how well a school is educating its students and about the quality of the social and learning environment. Too often, accountability has been reduced to standardized tests that measure a limited range of academic skills, thereby narrowing curriculum and teaching. This approach has been used to attack rather than help educators, parents and students. FairTest supports authentic accountability systems that provide a rich array of information on academic and social aspects of education to parents and the public, and use that information to improve schools
  • Empowering Schools and Improving Learning (external link). Initiative released by Forum on Educational Accountability, chaired by FairTest, and signed by 84 national education, civil rights, religious, disability, parent and civic organizations. It calls for a thorough overhaul of NCLB.

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