Wednesday, November 4, 2009

District-induced Instability


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See also Importance of Stability (internal link)

Closures of failing schools leading to charters: "In 2009, Philadelphia schools Superintendent Arlene Ackerman introduced a five-year plan that calls for up to 35 underperforming schools to be shut down and reopened as district authorized charters or privately managed schools. The first 10, which have not been selected, will convert in 2010." (p. 93")

Denver: "The district has also used school closure as an accountability mechanism. In 2007, the school board approved closing eight schools that were under-enrolled and lower-performing. The board projected that moving students from these schools to higherperforming schools would save $3.5 million annually. That money is being used to improve the education of students who will be affected by the school closures, deliver additional resources to underperforming schools and to make money available for new schools and new programs." (p. 94")

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